Levitan/Rezaie Practical Airway Course
Faculty: Drs. Richard Levitan & Salim Rezaie Successor to Dr. Levitan’s Baltimore Cadaver Course
Available spots
Service Description
This 2-day course provides an in-depth look at effective surgical airway management techniques that you will actually use in your next emergency airway. There is a unique focus on airway anatomy and imaging combined with one-of-a-kind opportunity to practice the techniques on a large variety of non-embalmed, specially prepared cadavers. This is the only cadaver airway course available. This course teaches practical, effective skills and strategies for adult and pediatric intubation that promote patient safety and increase provider confidence. Day 1 • Didactic presentations by Dr. Levitan and Dr. Rezaie on crisis performance, oxygenation, airway anatomy, laryngoscopy, endoscopy, pediatrics, rescue oxygenation techniques and critical care. • Hands-on practice with OR SIM bronchoscopic simulators, long endoscopes on custom designed intubation manikins, and self-nasoendoscopy using sterile sheaths. • End of day will involve discussion of challenging airway management cases from participants and faculty. • Enrollment limited to 32 maximum • Breakfast. lunch and refreshments provided on site • Start time: 0745 End time: 1700 Day 2 • Hands-on practice with 12 specially prepared cadavers*, plus unique custom built intubation models (with anatomic variation) and unique custom built male and female surgical models. Intense procedural instruction focused on an incrementalized approach to performing critical airway procedures. The morning is dedicated to laryngoscopy (direct & video), tube delivery, stylets and bougies, endoscopy, and supraglottic airways. The afternoon includes more time with endoscopy, video laryngoscopes, and ends with surgical airways (cricothyrotomy). • Breakfast, lunch and refreshments provided on site • Start time: 0745 End time: ~1600 *Please note: In the event the course does not have full enrollment the number of cadavers may be reduced, between 8 and 12 specimens. Course Hotel: Hampton Inn Bulverde Texas Hill Country (Email Alison.McCully@hiscentre.com for Corporate Booking Link). The hotel is a 25 minute ride from San Antonio Airport. If you do not have a vehicle, van transport will available from the hotel to the course location (approximately a 5 minute drive). Available Credit: 15.00 CME Category 1 15.00 CEU Pre-Hospital *Military Discounts Available*

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
A refund back to your payment method will be issued for all cancellations greater than 7 days before the event. If the cancellation is less than 7 days before an event, the payment will be transferable to an alternative date.
Contact Details
32304 Short Hill, Bulverde, TX, USA
+ 830.228.4504